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Gwales Description

Two weeks holiday in a villa in Umbria... but life will change forever for some of the characters by the end of the holiday. Tudur and Elinor are looking forward to having family and friends at their glorious villa. Sun and their favourite people - what could be better? But there are many secrets lurking under the surface.

Pythefnos o wyliau mewn fila yn Umbria… O gwmpas y pwll glas, fe fydd bywyd wedi newid am byth i rai o'r cymeriadau erbyn diwedd y gwyliau. Mae Tudur ac Elinor yn edrych ymlaen at gael teulu a ffrindiau i aros yn eu fila hyfryd. Haul a'u hoff bobol – beth allai fod yn well? Ond mae nifer o gyfrinachau'n llechu o dan yr wyneb gwareiddiedig. Nofel gyfoes ac iddi linyn storïol gref.

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Author Biography:

Novelist Sioned Wiliam is well-known in the UK comedy scene as a TV and radio producer and commissioner. She has already published three successful humorous novels. Raised in Barry Town in the vale of Glamorgan she now lives in London. She has worked as a comedy commissioner for both ITV and Radio 4.

Y Gwyliau

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